Win your shopping basket!
We are giving you the chance to win your Arthur Price shopping basket for free in our 'Arthur Price New Website Launch Competition 2023.’
All orders placed between 14th-28th February will be entered into the competition. The winner will be selected at random and contacted via their email address provided on the order. The order total will then be reimbursed via the same payment method as the order was placed. The prize is not transferable. The competition is not open to any employees of Arthur Price or their direct family members including mother, father, sibling, child, grandparent, or partner. Only one entry per person. The winner will be notified by email within one working day of the closing date. The winners’ names and winning entries will be used in post-promotional publicity. All competition entries may be used in the post-promotional activity. This competition is open to UK and international orders. over 18's only. This competition is in no way associated with or endorsed by Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. The promoter’s decision is final.
Entries close at midnight on 28/02/2023.